Governing Body


If you wish to contact the Governing Body please contact Alice Willmore, Clerk to Governors by email:

Any correspondence for the Governing Body should be sent to the following address:

Pittville School Governing Body
Albert Road
GL52 3JD

Below is a list of the Pittville School Governors:

  • Mrs D Summers - Chair/Co-Opted
  • Mr I Johnstone – Vice Chair/Co-Opted
  • Mr R Gilpin - Headteacher
  • Mr C Healy - Local Authority
  • Ms C Curran - Staff
  • Mrs A Attwood - Parent
  • Ms Z Forbes - Parent
  • Mr M Browne - Co-Opted
  • Ms S Cook- Co-Opted
  • Ms B Hansen- Co-Opted
  • Ms R Wilson - Partnership
  • Miss A Willmore - Clerk
  • Mrs E Fletcher-Sykes - Associate Member
  • Miss Z Daniel - Associate Member
  • Vacancy - Partnership

The Governors at Pittville School have an important role in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children in our school.

They help set and ensure that the school's vision, ethos and strategic direction is adhered to by holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and overseeing the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Body is made up of representatives from the teaching staff, parents, partnership, Local Authority and co-opted governors.

The Governing Body of Pittville School meets as two committees, the Finance & Premises Portfolio and Student & Staff Experience & Improvement Portfolio as well as all together for Full Governing Body meetings. All these meetings are held termly. Associate Members have no voting rights on portfolio meetings.

If you can contribute your skills and talents and give something back to your local community please contact the Headteacher. For more information about being a Governor please see