Year 9 Options

Year 9 Options

It is always difficult to make decisions about which courses to follow at GCSE and often there are no right or wrong answers. However, the more informed you are, the easier the decision making process. The subject information will help you make the best decision for your future.

Things to consider are:

  • The subjects you like. You will often be more successful at what you enjoy!
  • Where you want to be in the future: which subjects will help you with Sixth Form, University or employment.
  • Your studies and not your social life! Don’t study a subject just because your friends are doing so, or because you liked a teacher you had in a subject in the past —you need to think about the best thing for you in the future.
  • Asking the questions which will help you to find out as much as you can about each course.

Please see below for copies of our Pathways options letter and information booklet.

Option process January 2025

You will find presentations below about all option subjects.

Please read the booklet carefully which explains the pathways and possible subject combinations. If you have further questions, please speak to your tutor, your subject teachers or Mrs Pitt.

All option forms need to be handed in to tutors by Tuesday 28th January 2025

There are a number of online presentations and question and answer sessions scheduled in January. Please follow the links found here and in the options letter to book on to the online talks.

Subject Presentations


Business Studies


Design Technology


Film Studies

Food Preparation and Nutrition

French and Spanish (must currently be studying language in Year 9)


Health And Social Care (BTEC)

History Option

IT (Vocational)


BTEC Sport (Vocational)

Religious Education
